Cost Savings with Tire Balancing Beads

Fleet truck owners and drivers know how expensive it can be to maintain their vehicles. From high fuel costs to regular maintenance, it all adds up quickly. But what if there was a simple solution that could help you save money and keep your trucks running safely for...

How Tire Balancing Beads Can Improve Off-Road Performance

Off-road driving can be a fun experience, but it's no secret that it can also be harsh on your vehicle. One of the most common issues off-road enthusiasts face is tire imbalance, which can lead to a bumpy ride, reduced fuel efficiency, and increased wear. That's where...

Tire Balancing Beads vs. Traditional Balancing Methods

Proper tire balancing is a part of tire maintenance you can't overlook. But aren't you tired of adjusting or replacing wheel weights every time the balance shifts out of place? When seeking an alternative to traditional balancing methods, such as wheel weights,...

What To Do If The Trailers Lights Aren’t Working Properly?

Having working trailer lights is essential for safety on the road. Not only could flickering or non-working trailer lights lead to a ticket, but it can also be dangerous for other drivers and yourself if they can't see your vehicle. Before starting your trip, there...

What Is The Best Flickering Lights Solution For Your Trailer

Imagine you're on the road, taking a long haul with your trailer, when suddenly you notice your trailer lights flickering. You try to ignore it, but it's only a matter of time before they go out entirely. This can be very dangerous, especially when driving through...

Installation and Maintenance Tips for Pigtail Safety Shims

Driving a truck or a trailer requires the utmost safety precautions; this includes having fully-functioning lights to alert other drivers and allow you to see what's ahead. One way to ensure your lights are working as intended is by installing power plug safety shims....

Become a Safety Shim dealer

Do you want to add a new product line to your store that will bring in more customers? Consider partnering with ABC Balancing to distribute their Sure Shim Pigtail Plug Safety Shims. Sure Shim has a history of providing high-quality solutions to the trucking industry,...

Why You Need Safety Shims Now More Than Ever

Have you been driving in the dark and suddenly distracted by a flickering tail light? Tail lights tend to fail for multiple reasons. They often become loose from a bumpy ride or a poor installation. Once you notice, you start feeling scared that other vehicles on the...

Why You Shouldn’t Neglect Balancing Your Motorcycle’s Tires

Are you ready to hit the open road and experience the thrill of motorcycles at this year's Sturgis Rally? For such a big and important event, you want your bike to be in optimal condition. Balancing your tires is key to this. You should always ensure your tires are...

FAQs About Balancing Beads For Trucks

When going on long drives, you must feel as comfortable as possible to avoid getting tired quickly. You also need your drive to be safe because you carry precious cargo. Properly balancing your truck tires is one way to ensure safety and comfort. Traditional balancing...

Balancing Beads For Your Motorcycle Delivery Fleet

With the motorcycle delivery industry booming, more and more businesses are looking for qualified motorcycle fleets. One excellent way to keep your fleet in optimal condition is to use tire balancing beads. At ABC Balancing Beads, we've found the formula for the...

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Installing & Calculating Motorcycle Balancing Beads

Does your motorcycle seem to be wobbling more than usual, or is the tread wearing down quickly? It may be time to balance your tires. How do you do it? Well, traditional balancing is history. Nowadays, everybody is changing to Motorcycle Balancing Beads to stabilize...

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Pigtail Plug Safety Shims 101: Keeping Tail Lights Secured

As a truck driver, you know the importance of maintaining your vehicle. Did you know that your taillights are just as important as your headlights and brake lights? Failing to maintain your taillights properly could lead to a traffic citation – or worse, traffic...

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5 Benefits Of Investing In Pigtail Safety Shims

As a truck driver, you know it's important to keep your tail lights in good working order. Not only do they help you stay safe while driving, but they also make you more visible to other drivers on the road.  Unfortunately, tail light malfunctions can happen at any...

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Plug Safety Shims For Trucks: What You Need To Know

Are your tail lights still working? They might feel a little loose, or one of them might not be functioning at all. Tail lights are important for keeping you safe while driving and letting other drivers know when you're stopping or turning. Pigtail Plug Safety Shims...

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Balancing Beads Work For Car Tires: True Or False?

If you're like most people, the car is an essential part of your life. You use it to get to work, run errands, and take care of things. But did you know there's a way to improve your driving experience? Believe it or not, balancing beads can help improve your car's...

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Can You Balance Off-Road Tires Using Balancing Beads?

Can You Balance Off-Road Tires Using Balancing Beads?

Almost any vehicle can handle mild trails and dirt roads with the right tires. Off-road tires are made to grip onto loose surfaces, so you can explore nature without fear of getting stuck. Plus, they give your vehicle a bit more height and stability, making it easier...

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4 Common Questions About Balancing Beads

Do you ever feel like your car is harder to steer or doesn't feel right? You're not alone. Many car owners experience this  at some point, and the main cause is always the same: unbalanced wheels. Luckily, the traditional balancing method is now in the past. Balancing...

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4 Types Of Balancing Beads & Their Benefits

Are you looking to improve your car's handling and stability? If so, you may want to consider buying balancing beads. Balancing beads for tires are a great way to reduce vibrations and make your car more responsive. They're also an affordable way to improve your...

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Can You Put Too Many Balancing Beads In A Tire?

Tire balancing beads have become essential when keeping tires balanced and in good shape. Not only do they stabilize the vehicle, but they also avoid uneven wear out and will save you some expensive trips to the shop.   You've probably heard or seen videos about...

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How To Make Balancing Beads Work?

Many things go into keeping your vehicle running smoothly. You check the oil level, look at the battery, and ensure enough coolant is in the tank. How often do you check your tires, though? Keeping your tires balanced and working properly will ensure that your vehicle...

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All You Need To Know Before Buying Balancing Beads

Do you know when you get a cold and just can't stop coughing? The same happens to your car when your wheels are imbalanced. The car gets all shaky and makes it really difficult to drive. Just like the doctor gives you cough medicine, mechanics will recommend balancing...

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Installing Balancing Beads: Are Valve Filters Necessary?

Tire balance is an essential part of vehicle maintenance. A vehicle's wheels can cause vibrations and uneven tire wear without proper balance. Drivers have several options for balancing, but the most convenient is the use of beads— tiny spheres that you add to a tire...

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Does Moisture Affect Balancing Beads?

Fleet managers and drivers may wonder if balancing beads works by absorbing moisture. After all, if they're constantly exposed to humidity, wouldn't those little beads get soggy over time and eventually lose their ability to balance the wheel? The experts got the...

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Balancing Beads Vs Lead Weights: 4 Advantages

When was the last time you balanced your tires? You probably don't think it's so necessary since you installed lead weights. Lead weights are a popular wheel balancing solution. However, their long-term effectiveness is something to put into doubt.  Technological...

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Extend Your Tires’ Lifespan With Balancing Beads

Drivers have to worry about ensuring their safety, maximizing fuel efficiency, and reducing vehicle wear and tear. But one issue that often gets overlooked is tire balance. Contrary to popular belief, balancing your tires is not just a maintenance task - it can also...

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3 Reasons Why Organic Absorbents Are A Better Option

Did you know that there are organic oil absorbents that can help you clean up a spill? Unlike traditional oil absorbents, made from synthetic materials, organic oil absorbents are made from natural materials that won’t harm the environment.  Not only are these safer...

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How To Deal With Motor Oil Spills?

Have you ever noticed those translucent spots on driveways, parking lots, or even on the road? Those are known as oil spills and can be caused by oil leaks from poorly maintained vehicles.  They might seem like harmless puddles of liquid; however, not cleaning them...

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The Secret To Improve Your Coach Buses Fuel Economy

Many things go into running a successful coach bus fleet, from ensuring the safety of your passengers to making sure the vehicles are properly maintained. But one of the most important aspects of fleet management is fuel economy.  If you feel like your fuel expenses...

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A Guide To Using Balancing Beads On Your Tires

Whether you're a new driver or have been driving for years, you've probably heard about balancing beads and wondered if they're worth using. These innovative tools have become the ultimate wheel balancing solution for keeping your tires balanced and optimizing your...

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5 Tricks Used By Experts To Reduce Tire Maintenance Costs

How much do you think about your car's tires? You probably don't think about them enough. However, when you take your car in for a check-up and see the cost of a new set of tires, you'll realize that you'll need to start paying more attention to those four little...

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3 Ways Balancing Beads Will Optimize Your Motorcycle Ride

You're cruising down the highway on your motorcycle, enjoying the wind in your hair and the sun on your face. Suddenly, you feel something bumpy under your wheels. You look down and see that one of your tires is completely unbalanced. What can you do to fix it? ...

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Can An Unbalanced Wheel Damage My Vehicle?

When you're driving and your car starts to feel a little bit 'off,' the first thing you might do is panic. You might think that your car is about to break down or that you will get into a serious accident. But before you start to worry, take a second to check your...

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5 Things You Should Be Doing To Extend Your Tire Life

Your car's tires are one of its most important safety features. They keep you safe while you're driving, but they also influence how your car handles. That's why it's important to take care of your tires and make sure they're in good condition.    According to...

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Steps & Tips To Properly Cleaning Motor Oil Stains

Motor oil is a valuable resource for any vehicle. Still, it can also be a headache when it stains your driveway or garage. You've most likely seen those oil stains in parking lots or even on the road. If not cleaned properly, motor oil can be dangerous for the...

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Balancing Beads Improve Fuel Economy: Real or Fake?

Are you looking for a way to improve your fuel economy? Many drivers don't realize that one of the easiest ways to achieve this is balancing their tires. When your tires are properly balanced, it helps them rotate more evenly, resulting in improved fuel economy. ...

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Myers Tire Supply – A Family Journey

Myers Tire Supply – A Family Journey

In 1933, two brothers living in Akron Ohio borrowed $620.00 from their mother to start a tire repair and retreading business. Meyer Myers and his younger brother Lou worked in the tire business; Lou was employed at a tire patch company while Meyer had a used tire...

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