Cost Savings with Tire Balancing Beads

Fleet truck owners and drivers know how expensive it can be to maintain their vehicles. From high fuel costs to regular maintenance, it all adds up quickly. But what if there was a simple solution that could help you save money and keep your trucks running safely for...

How Tire Balancing Beads Can Improve Off-Road Performance

Off-road driving can be a fun experience, but it's no secret that it can also be harsh on your vehicle. One of the most common issues off-road enthusiasts face is tire imbalance, which can lead to a bumpy ride, reduced fuel efficiency, and increased wear. That's where...

Tire Balancing Beads vs. Traditional Balancing Methods

Proper tire balancing is a part of tire maintenance you can't overlook. But aren't you tired of adjusting or replacing wheel weights every time the balance shifts out of place? When seeking an alternative to traditional balancing methods, such as wheel weights,...

What To Do If The Trailers Lights Aren’t Working Properly?

Having working trailer lights is essential for safety on the road. Not only could flickering or non-working trailer lights lead to a ticket, but it can also be dangerous for other drivers and yourself if they can't see your vehicle. Before starting your trip, there...

What Is The Best Flickering Lights Solution For Your Trailer

Imagine you're on the road, taking a long haul with your trailer, when suddenly you notice your trailer lights flickering. You try to ignore it, but it's only a matter of time before they go out entirely. This can be very dangerous, especially when driving through...

Installation and Maintenance Tips for Pigtail Safety Shims

Driving a truck or a trailer requires the utmost safety precautions; this includes having fully-functioning lights to alert other drivers and allow you to see what's ahead. One way to ensure your lights are working as intended is by installing power plug safety shims....

Become a Safety Shim dealer

Do you want to add a new product line to your store that will bring in more customers? Consider partnering with ABC Balancing to distribute their Sure Shim Pigtail Plug Safety Shims. Sure Shim has a history of providing high-quality solutions to the trucking industry,...

Why You Need Safety Shims Now More Than Ever

Have you been driving in the dark and suddenly distracted by a flickering tail light? Tail lights tend to fail for multiple reasons. They often become loose from a bumpy ride or a poor installation. Once you notice, you start feeling scared that other vehicles on the...

Why You Shouldn’t Neglect Balancing Your Motorcycle’s Tires

Are you ready to hit the open road and experience the thrill of motorcycles at this year's Sturgis Rally? For such a big and important event, you want your bike to be in optimal condition. Balancing your tires is key to this. You should always ensure your tires are...

FAQs About Balancing Beads For Trucks

When going on long drives, you must feel as comfortable as possible to avoid getting tired quickly. You also need your drive to be safe because you carry precious cargo. Properly balancing your truck tires is one way to ensure safety and comfort. Traditional balancing...

Look Out For This 5 Signs Of Unbalanced Tires

Look Out For This 5 Signs Of Unbalanced Tires

If you're the operator of a coach bus, then you know that having unbalanced tires is a big problem. Not only does it create unsafe driving conditions, it can also lead to premature tire wear and decreased fuel efficiency.  In this blog post, we'll discuss why your...

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All You Need To Know About Balancing Beads

All You Need To Know About Balancing Beads

Have you noticed that your gas mileage has gone out the window or that your drives have lost smoothness? It sounds like your tires are out of balance. Tire balancing is adding or removing weight from a tire to make it rotate evenly. When your tires are out of balance,...

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5 Reasons Why You Should Choose Balancing Beads

5 Reasons Why You Should Choose Balancing Beads

For drivers, having a smooth and comfortable ride is important. For fleet owners and managers, saving on costs is key. Did you know that both can be achieved through just one purchase? With balancing beads, you can properly balance your tires and improve your...

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Top 4 Reasons Why Your Tires Are Uneven

Top 4 Reasons Why Your Tires Are Uneven

If you've been driving for a while, you've probably noticed that one of your tires seems to be wearing down more quickly than the others. This makes your tires wear out faster and you are more exposed to getting a flat. You may not know why this is happening, but...

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The Kit Every Driver Should Carry With Them

The Kit Every Driver Should Carry With Them

Most drivers wouldn’t think of comfort as an important factor while driving, but it is. You’ll spend at least 30 minutes driving every day, so you want to make sure that you feel as comfortable as possible to help your mind focus on the road.  Having peace of mind...

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Truck Fleet Management: 3 Things to Consider

Truck Fleet Management: 3 Things to Consider

Starting your own truck fleet business can be daunting. There are several factors you need to take into account, from business management to truck management. When it comes to truck fleet management, there are three things you need to be on top of: the life of the...

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How Balancing Beads Benefit Your Work

How Balancing Beads Benefit Your Work

Balancing beads are slowly becoming a popular choice for balancing tires. This is because they are an affordable and more efficient way to balance your tires. Not only do they help with the performance of your car, but they also improve the lifespan of your tires. In...

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How To Clean an Oil Spill: Do’s and Don’ts

How To Clean an Oil Spill: Do’s and Don’ts

If you work with oil in any capacity, you must be prepared for incidents such as oil leaks and spills. You need to know how to clean it up properly before it becomes a bigger problem. Oil spills may constitute a major environmental disaster.  Not only does the oil...

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Wheel Balancing & Wheel Alignment: Different Or The Same?

Wheel Balancing & Wheel Alignment: Different Or The Same?

Have you ever had that feeling that your car wasn't driving right? Like it was a little harder to steer, or it felt like it was bouncing more than normal? If so, the chances are good that both of your car's wheels are unbalanced or out of alignment. Don't panic!...

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Watch Out For Unattended Oil Spills!: Causes & Consequences

Watch Out For Unattended Oil Spills!: Causes & Consequences

When your workplace is surrounded by many vehicles, oil spills can be quite common. Still, this represents a huge hazard for everyone due to its highly flammable features. Even the tiniest amount of oil on a surface can be a big risk, especially for the environment....

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5 Signs of Unbalanced Tires on a Coach Bus

Tire balancing solutions are needed for your everyday wear, manufacturing imperfections, and coach bus vibration problems. Tire wear contributes to tire imbalance daily. Normal manufacturing flaws can also be a factor: the weight distribution on tires and wheels isn't...

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4 Methods Of Balancing Tires

Tire balancing is the process of making sure that all four wheels of your vehicle are rotating at the same speed. Tires can become imbalanced due to uneven tire wear, the buildup of road material on the tire treads, or improper inflation. This blog addresses the four...

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Tire Balancing Beads 101: Everything There’s To Know

Many drivers don't know much about tires because they take their vehicles for an oil change and get the usual tire rotation. Yet, providers don't advertise tire balancing much since it doesn't affect performance, but it affects how safe your drive will be. There are...

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Balancing Motorcycle Tires: The Ultimate Guide

Did you know that motorcycle tire balancing is essential for more than just performance and safety? Sure, it helps with gas mileage and reduces the blowout risk. But it also reduces vibration and wobbling in the wheel by distributing the weight evenly across the tire....

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How to Properly Store Oil Absorbents

When you think about oil spills, the first thing that comes to mind is probably a massive oil spill in an ocean oil rig and the giant catastrophe that means. But, oil spills actually happen on smaller scales as well. Actually, an oil spill might be happening in your...

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3 Signs to Identify an Unbalanced Motorcycle Tire

Tire balance is very important for all vehicles. From huge trucks to motorcycles, driving with unbalanced tires is very dangerous since it can lead to serious accidents and harm your vehicles’ performance. And while it’s really important to have your tire balanced for...

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4 Signs of Unbalanced Tires on Your Truck

To the untrained eye, all tires are created equal. If you give just a glance, you might think all your tires are perfectly symmetrical with no real faults and that you should be worrying about other aspects of your truck to improve its performance. Well, this couldn’t...

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EZ Tire Beads vs ABC Balancing Beads

Tire balancing beads have become the go-to balancing method for vehicle owners looking for a quick and easy way to improve their driving experience and overall safety. And, while it’s a very small maintenance task that can get done very quickly, most vehicle owners...

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Magnum+ vs ABC Balancing Beads

Driving with unbalanced tires poses a lot of issues for vehicles. From lower fuel efficiency to a higher chance of an accident, the consequences are many. And while it’s a very simple fix, most vehicle owners don’t really take the time of day to perform this small...

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The Most Popular Balancing Beads Applications

Tire balancing is an essential part of every vehicle’s maintenance. This allows an even distribution of weight to your tires and wheels. Without balance, you might experience uneven tire wear and even poor performance from your vehicle resulting in bad fuel economy...

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How Long Do Balancing Beads Last?

How Long Do Balancing Beads Last?

Tire balancing beads offer vehicle owners a wide range of benefits that makes driving a lot safer, enjoyable, and even more cost-effective! As well as implying an easier and faster method of application. Driving with unbalanced tires brings a host of issues like poor...

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My Vehicle Is Leaking Oil! Will It Catch Fire?

My Vehicle Is Leaking Oil! Will It Catch Fire?

There are many reasons why our vehicles leak oil; for example, an overtightened gasket or the tightness itself could be unbalanced, among other reasons. Anyways, we'll leave that to professionals. The question is: can engine oil catch on fire? And, is it safe to drive...

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What Is The Best Way To Deal With Oil Spills?

If you work with oil, whether it’s storage, transportation, or more, you must be prepared for any accidents such as oil leaks or oil spills. When it comes to oil, you need to know how to get it properly cleaned before a more significant problem arises. When you are...

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Dangers Of Driving A Truck On A Rainy Day

One of the main concerns for fleet managers and truck drivers is bad weather. Driving trucks is already a difficult task due to the weight and size of the truck, and having to worry about the weather conditions just makes it more difficult even for experienced...

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4 Signs Your Coach Bus’ Tires Might Be Unbalanced

Tires are a crucial component of a coach bus. They're the direct link between your coach bus and the road you're driving on, and, when taking into account that the actual contact area is no bigger than the palm of your hand, you can see that even the smallest...

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How Often Should A Coach Bus Get Balanced?

Wheel balance makes a huge difference in the life of a tire, from the safe handling of a vehicle to the longevity of steering and suspension components. A Coach bus is not the exception. Incorporating Balance in the Bus´Maintenance is a must. Recommended Period To...

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