Cost Savings with Tire Balancing Beads

Fleet truck owners and drivers know how expensive it can be to maintain their vehicles. From high fuel costs to regular maintenance, it all adds up quickly. But what if there was a simple solution that could help you save money and keep your trucks running safely for...

How Tire Balancing Beads Can Improve Off-Road Performance

Off-road driving can be a fun experience, but it's no secret that it can also be harsh on your vehicle. One of the most common issues off-road enthusiasts face is tire imbalance, which can lead to a bumpy ride, reduced fuel efficiency, and increased wear. That's where...

Tire Balancing Beads vs. Traditional Balancing Methods

Proper tire balancing is a part of tire maintenance you can't overlook. But aren't you tired of adjusting or replacing wheel weights every time the balance shifts out of place? When seeking an alternative to traditional balancing methods, such as wheel weights,...

What To Do If The Trailers Lights Aren’t Working Properly?

Having working trailer lights is essential for safety on the road. Not only could flickering or non-working trailer lights lead to a ticket, but it can also be dangerous for other drivers and yourself if they can't see your vehicle. Before starting your trip, there...

What Is The Best Flickering Lights Solution For Your Trailer

Imagine you're on the road, taking a long haul with your trailer, when suddenly you notice your trailer lights flickering. You try to ignore it, but it's only a matter of time before they go out entirely. This can be very dangerous, especially when driving through...

Installation and Maintenance Tips for Pigtail Safety Shims

Driving a truck or a trailer requires the utmost safety precautions; this includes having fully-functioning lights to alert other drivers and allow you to see what's ahead. One way to ensure your lights are working as intended is by installing power plug safety shims....

Become a Safety Shim dealer

Do you want to add a new product line to your store that will bring in more customers? Consider partnering with ABC Balancing to distribute their Sure Shim Pigtail Plug Safety Shims. Sure Shim has a history of providing high-quality solutions to the trucking industry,...

Why You Need Safety Shims Now More Than Ever

Have you been driving in the dark and suddenly distracted by a flickering tail light? Tail lights tend to fail for multiple reasons. They often become loose from a bumpy ride or a poor installation. Once you notice, you start feeling scared that other vehicles on the...

Why You Shouldn’t Neglect Balancing Your Motorcycle’s Tires

Are you ready to hit the open road and experience the thrill of motorcycles at this year's Sturgis Rally? For such a big and important event, you want your bike to be in optimal condition. Balancing your tires is key to this. You should always ensure your tires are...

FAQs About Balancing Beads For Trucks

When going on long drives, you must feel as comfortable as possible to avoid getting tired quickly. You also need your drive to be safe because you carry precious cargo. Properly balancing your truck tires is one way to ensure safety and comfort. Traditional balancing...

What Is The Fastest Way To Balance Your Motorcycle Tires?

When it comes to motorcycles, doing maintenance could save you money and help keep you safe, and empower you. Balancing your tires out is one of the essential things you have to do. If you notice that your tires are out of balance, you need to address the issue and do...

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What Is The Fastest Way To Balance Your Truck Tires?

Tire balancing has been used to address driver ride complaints, reduce vehicle vibration, and minimize premature and irregular wear. Lately, data has shown that balanced tire/wheel assemblies can significantly affect fuel economy, especially in high-speed line haul...

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What Is The Secret For Fuel-efficient Trucks?

In the truck business industry, every business owner should know that to maximize capital and generate profits, fuel-efficient trucks are key factors to keep escalating up to full potential. In this article, you will learn about tips to keep up with fuel-efficient...

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4 Things to Consider When Owning Truck Fleets

Starting your truck fleet can be challenging. From building a solid business plan to getting the right permits and licenses, and getting to own your own truck fleet is all about hard work. This is why the maintenance of your fleet is crucial. Tire balancing beads for...

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4 Key Tips to Consider When Owning Motorcycles

In big cities with very congested traffic owning a motorcycle is not only about the looks of it. It comes to the convenience of getting to places faster than you could in a car during rush hour and even finding a parking space. These factors are critical for a...

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Wheel Balancing vs Wheel Alignment

Wheel Balancing vs Wheel Alignment

Technology is booming around the world, and sometimes we take it for granted. Automobiles such as cars, trucks, commercial cars, motorcycles, and so on may seem like simple transportation tools; however, it is extremely important to understand some concepts of...

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ABC Organic Absorbent, The Right Way To Clean Up

Oil spills on land can have a detrimental effect on the environment. If a spill does occur, it should be a priority to prevent the oil from seeping into the water supply or entering waterways as run-off. However, it’s even more critical to ensure the clean-up method...

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Car Leaking Oil? It’s not Just Leaking Oil On The Street!

Oil leaks start from your vehicle, then drip onto the stress. However, it doesn’t just end there. It gets washed from the street into the drainage system, ending up in the local water supply such as lakes, rivers, and streams. You can only imagine the amount of damage...

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Using an Oil Absorbent? Keep Reading

Oil spills can be detrimental to the environment and those around, whether it be on the road, in your workplace, or garage, treating an oil spill is critical to ensure further damage is not done. Spills and leaks can be unpredictable and accidental, which is why it’s...

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Watch Out For These Signs; Your Vehicle May Be Leaking

You just got out of the car and noticed a puddle of liquid underneath the vehicle. Yikes - you could be facing an engine leak, a problem you can’t afford to ignore. However, at times you might be on a long drive and can’t take your vehicle for repair but are stuck...

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Why Organic Oil Absorbents Are The Way To Go

When it comes to oil spills, there can be a detrimental impact on our ecosystem. When you’re on the road and find yourself facing an accidental oil spill, it’s essential to be prepared. However, you want to ensure you are using products that will resolve the problem...

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How Unbalanced Tires Can Affect Your Safety

We all know of the potential consequences we face when driving on the road. However, no matter how careful you are when driving, there are some internal things in the vehicle that unknowingly affect your safety on the road and those around you. One of those...

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All There Is To Know About Oil Absorbents

Oil absorbents come in a variety of shapes, materials, and uses. Generally, they are ideal for oil spills on the road and workplace. As oils travel fast, rapid-acting absorbents are a must, which means it's good to have an oil absorbent on hand to deal with any...

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Effects of Oil Spills on The Road

Oil spills can cause damage to the environment and the nature that depends on it. Often, we only hear about oil spills that are larger in scale or bodies of water. However, more minor, frequent oil spills on land can wreak havoc on the environment over time if no...

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Accidental Oil Spill? You’ll Want To Clean That Up!

One of the most common types of chemical spills in the workplace or on the road is oil. It’s used in everything from forklifts and trucks to industrial machines and lifting equipment. Oil is a highly flammable substance, which increases the risk of many dangerous...

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All You Need To Know About Biodegradable Absorbent

When it comes to oil spills, we normally only hear about the massive ones that occur in the oceans. However, you’d be surprised to know how many oil spills happen as a result of leaks from trucks and vehicles. Truck drivers deal with this issue fairly often, and...

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Cleaning Up an Oil Spill, What Are My Options?

If you work around heavy machinery, transformers, a mobile outdoor environment, or driving on the road with a truck, you’re probably no stranger to oil leaks and spills. Even small spills can present significant issues. Problems can range from slip and fall hazards to...

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How Often Should I Balance My Tires?

Your tire’s balance is the weight distribution in each wheel or tire of a vehicle. If your tires’ balance is off, you will start to notice a vibration or wobble at higher speeds. If the wobble is particularly pronounced, it can become dangerous, and any vibration...

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Can You Drive With Unbalanced Tires?

Can You Drive With Unbalanced Tires?

Unbalanced tires don’t just put a strain on your engine. They also expose you to various risks on the road. Drivers may unknowingly put themselves and others at risk by continuing to drive with unbalanced tires for extended periods. Balanced wheels are essential to a...

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Do All Tires Need To Be Balanced At The Same Time?

Smooth driving is a balancing act that requires getting the wheels and tires to spin at high speeds without vibrations. That’s not a slam dunk; a dirty little secret about car wheels and tires is that they usually aren’t perfectly round, even when brand new. What’s...

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Driving With Unbalanced Tires? Think Again

Tire balancing is all about how your car distributes its weight. Ideally, your tires would bear the weight evenly, but sometimes certain tires can hold too much weight as others bear less. This causes uneven wear on your tires and translates to money lost repairing...

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Benefits of Investing in ABC Balancing Beads

No matter which vehicle you’re driving, it’s essential to ensure your vehicle is in the best shape possible. Having unbalanced tires can put you in unsafe situations. Tire balancing provides a smooth ride and assures even tire wear by adequately adjusting the...

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How Does an Unbalanced Tire Feel Like?

Having unbalanced tires on your car is a lot like wearing two different shoes - it’s going to be an uncomfortable journey. Unbalanced tires can affect fuel economy, stress your shocks and bearings, and shorten your tires’ life if not addressed. But, how would you know...

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What Is The Best Way To Balance My Truck Tires?

An out-of-balance tire-and-wheel usually isn’t shy. It will let you know by vibrating through your steering wheel or disrupting your vehicle’s ride by making it shake or rumble in severe cases. An out-of-balance tire bounces up and down, if only imperceptibly to the...

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Protecting The Environment When Dealing With an Oil Spill

Just like we may need sponges, scrub brushes, and a disinfectant to clean up a mess in our house or yard, similar tools are required to remove oil and chemical spills from vehicle fleets. There are various methods of cleaning up an accidental oil spill, though of...

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Importance of Tire Balancing Beads

Importance of Tire Balancing Beads

If you notice your tires are out of balance, it’s important to address the issue. Tire imbalance is a condition where the weight of the tire is unevenly distributed around the tire-wheel circumference. The comfort of your ride and the lifespan of your tires, wheels,...

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How To Use Tire Balancing Beads

Unbalanced wheels can cause vibrations and increased tire wear, leading to poor handling, uneven fuel consumption, and excessive brake wear. Luckily, there are different methods to balance your wheels, each with unique benefits. One of the most popular options is tire...

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