Cost Savings with Tire Balancing Beads

Fleet truck owners and drivers know how expensive it can be to maintain their vehicles. From high fuel costs to regular maintenance, it all adds up quickly. But what if there was a simple solution that could help you save money and keep your trucks running safely for...

How Tire Balancing Beads Can Improve Off-Road Performance

Off-road driving can be a fun experience, but it's no secret that it can also be harsh on your vehicle. One of the most common issues off-road enthusiasts face is tire imbalance, which can lead to a bumpy ride, reduced fuel efficiency, and increased wear. That's where...

Tire Balancing Beads vs. Traditional Balancing Methods

Proper tire balancing is a part of tire maintenance you can't overlook. But aren't you tired of adjusting or replacing wheel weights every time the balance shifts out of place? When seeking an alternative to traditional balancing methods, such as wheel weights,...

What To Do If The Trailers Lights Aren’t Working Properly?

Having working trailer lights is essential for safety on the road. Not only could flickering or non-working trailer lights lead to a ticket, but it can also be dangerous for other drivers and yourself if they can't see your vehicle. Before starting your trip, there...

What Is The Best Flickering Lights Solution For Your Trailer

Imagine you're on the road, taking a long haul with your trailer, when suddenly you notice your trailer lights flickering. You try to ignore it, but it's only a matter of time before they go out entirely. This can be very dangerous, especially when driving through...

Installation and Maintenance Tips for Pigtail Safety Shims

Driving a truck or a trailer requires the utmost safety precautions; this includes having fully-functioning lights to alert other drivers and allow you to see what's ahead. One way to ensure your lights are working as intended is by installing power plug safety shims....

Become a Safety Shim dealer

Do you want to add a new product line to your store that will bring in more customers? Consider partnering with ABC Balancing to distribute their Sure Shim Pigtail Plug Safety Shims. Sure Shim has a history of providing high-quality solutions to the trucking industry,...

Why You Need Safety Shims Now More Than Ever

Have you been driving in the dark and suddenly distracted by a flickering tail light? Tail lights tend to fail for multiple reasons. They often become loose from a bumpy ride or a poor installation. Once you notice, you start feeling scared that other vehicles on the...

Why You Shouldn’t Neglect Balancing Your Motorcycle’s Tires

Are you ready to hit the open road and experience the thrill of motorcycles at this year's Sturgis Rally? For such a big and important event, you want your bike to be in optimal condition. Balancing your tires is key to this. You should always ensure your tires are...

FAQs About Balancing Beads For Trucks

When going on long drives, you must feel as comfortable as possible to avoid getting tired quickly. You also need your drive to be safe because you carry precious cargo. Properly balancing your truck tires is one way to ensure safety and comfort. Traditional balancing...

Do Balancing Beads Work on Motorcycle Tires?

More and more fleet companies and antique vehicle owners are turning to tire balancing beads over traditional wheel weights. They recognize the benefits of increased safety and improved ride quality. But when it comes to motorcycles, is using balancing beads a viable...

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Can You Put Too Many Balancing Beads in a Tire?

Improperly balanced tires and wheels can harm fuel economy and result in uneven tire wear that prematurely consigns thousands of tires to the scrap pile. The effect of out-of-balance tires is also responsible for damaging other vehicle components. Though it presents a...

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Tire Balancing Beads vs Weights for Trucks?

Wheel weights have been in the game for multiple years. Still, they are not the most reliable and effective solution for your truck’s balance problems anymore. All owners of vehicles with larger tires, such as trucks, always debate about whether to use balancing beads...

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The Right Amount Of Weight For Tire Balancing

Balancing beads are used as an internal tire balancing method that counterweights the heaviest part of a tire without adding extra weight. When transitioning to this more reliable and cost-effective balancing method, many people wonder what the right amount of...

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What Is The Best Method To Clean Up Oil Spills?

Oil spills can create a lot of chaos if not appropriately treated on time. Massive fires start,  and nearby vegetation and animals can die. Therefore, if an accidental oil spill or another type of liquid chemical happens, you must take action promptly. The next...

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What Absorbs Spilled Oil?

What can absorb spilled oil? You’re not the only one to ask yourself this question. Spilled oil and other chemicals used in vehicles create hard-to-remove stains and can also cause environmental pollution. Truck drivers deal with this issue more often than they...

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How Can You Balance Your Motorcycle’s Tires Fast?

Balancing motorcycle tires through standard methods can take quite a while, even more, if you do it yourself. Nonetheless, there's a way you can improve your motorcycle balancing tire method and save yourself valuable time. Balancing beads have turned out to be a...

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Tips To Save Fuel On Your Semi-Trucks

Fuel consumption is one of the main operating costs in semi-trucks, among tires and maintenance. The more these costs can be lowered, with reasonable options, the more efficiently a semi-truck fleet can operate. The fuel itself can vary in a company's fixed costs,...

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Benefits Of Tire Balancing Beads Over Weights

If you're a vehicle owner or enthusiast, you've likely heard about wheel balancing and its importance for vehicle performance and safety. There are several wheel balancing methods, but two of the most common are wheel weights and tire balancing beads. When it comes to...

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Motorcycle Beads Press Release

ABC Balancing Beads 3951 Maple Island Farm Road Springfield, OR 97477 USA (518) 290-7303 About: ABC Balancing Beads specializes in products used to increase the life of tires. Its innovative technology has had the greatest impact on...

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The Joe Namath Story

Joe Namath’s Guarantee - 1969 Super Bowl III Joe Namath grew up as the youngest of five children in Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania and became a standout athlete, excelling in high school football, basketball and baseball…a good enough baseball player to receive offers...

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Microsoft – The Beginning

William Henry Gates III was born on Oct. 28, 1955, in Seattle, Washington, his dad William H. Gates Sr. was an attorney, and his mother Mary Maxwell was a businesswoman and bank executive. Gates wrote his first software program at 13 and in high school was part of a...

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McDonalds – The Ray Kroc Story

en·tre·pre·neur 1. a person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so. - "many entrepreneurs see potential in this market" As a 15 year old drop out with one of the biggest worldwide brands,...

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The Story of Evel Knievel (1938 – 2007)

Robert Craig Knievel was born in the copper-mining town of Butte, Mont., and was raised by his grandparents. He acquired the name Evel as a boy after being arrested for stealing hubcaps. He was then taken to jail, where the police were holding a man named Knofel, whom...

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“The Story of Colonel Sanders” – (1890 – 1980)

 A Life filled with up, downs, cross country moves, a shootout, a courtroom brawl with his own client and a spirit that drove him at age 65 to start a business and become a household name… “The Story of Colonel Sanders” – (1890 – 1980)  Harland David Sanders was born...

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What Is Wheel Balancing?

Taking care of your vehicle is a must, and it starts with the wheels. Regularly checking your wheels will help ensure their longevity and performance, and one of the best ways to maintain your wheel health is by balancing them. But what is tire balance or wheel...

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The Suzy Batiz Story

The Suzy Batiz Story -  Born in Arkansas, Suzy Batiz first pursued entrepreneurial ideas from the age of 16, despite her mother’s efforts to stifle them. Batiz escaped an abusive marriage and experienced her first bankruptcy while in her 20’s and picked herself up to...

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