When your workplace is surrounded by many vehicles, oil spills can be quite common. Still, this represents a huge hazard for everyone due to its highly flammable features. Even the tiniest amount of oil on a surface can be a big risk, especially for the environment.

Whether you work in a workshop or as a driver, you’re exposed to oil spills all the time. Statistics show that unattended oil spills mostly cause a significant percentage of accidents on the road. 

This blog post will discuss some common causes and risks of oil spills.

Slippery & Highly Flammable Surfaces

The most common oil spills you hear about are probably in the oceans; however, minor oil spills, such as oil leaking from a car on the road, happen every day and are just as hazardous for humans and the environment. Here are some examples:

  • Oil spills on the road can cause the surface to become slippery and make the vehicle to become uncontrollable
  • Motor oil is flammable. A small spill can be responsible for fires and explosions
  • Oil is a very harsh chemical, and exposure to it might cause chemical burns and intoxication because of inhalation 
  • Oil spills on land can stop water absorption and kill off any plant life

What Causes Oil Spills?

Usually, oil spills are presented when your vehicles receive very poor maintenance. They can be easily prevented with regular checkups to the machinery. 

The common causes of oil leaks include:

  • Degrade engine gaskets
  • Leaks from the oil pan
  • Worn out or broken seals
  • Loose or missing oil pan drain plug
  • Deteriorated valve cover gaskets

Environmentally-Friendly Oil Spill Absorbent

Start protecting the environment and everyone around you, using a fast and effective solution brought to you by ABC Balancing Beads. Our ABC organic absorbents are 20 times more effective than conventional absorbents and are 100% environmentally friendly! 

ABC organic oil absorbent is the perfect solution for your next big spill. Our microbes are customized to digest oils and hydrocarbons, so you can be sure that we will clean up the mess quickly and efficiently. Its encapsulation system allows you to store it for 3 years or more, so you’ll have it available and ready for any emergency.